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Lou Imbriano - Amazon Review September 6, 2013
“Jo shares her journey of courage and how she breaks free from an abusive relationship to save both her and her daughter’s lives. This true story reads like fiction and you can not imagine what the author is put through in her relationship and marriage to her controlling husband. From it’s bizarre beginning, the story grabs you and compels you to keep turning pages to know exactly what leads to the breaking national news story that is retold in the first few pages of the book. It’s a story of endurance and strong personal will in order to overcome a real life sleeping with the enemy situation. You will scratch your head to why she put up with the actions of her husband and pray for the moment she breaks free all in a writing style that will whisk you through the pages and have you on the edge of your seat for what will happen next.”
Dorothy - Amazon Review September 7, 2013
“I love Jo’s writing style. She sets the tone so that you are a part of the story. She writes in a way that clues are given to help the reader see how a mentally abusive person gains control. I couldn’t wait to read the next page. Would definitely like to see more of her works.”
Jack Walsh - Amazon Review September 12, 2013
“Jo Fonda’s easy flowing writing style, along with her willingness to share every detail, down to some of the embarrassing awkward moments in her life, makes you wish the story would never end. This gripping tale, of how an adolescent moves through her life, from being part of happy family magic act, to a dangerous downward spiral of abuse, will have you up all night reading. This is a story that needed telling, and no one could tell it better than the author Jo Fonda…… she lived it.”
Jeffrey Mulligan - Amazon Review September 12, 2013
“I remembered the original story in the media. To read about it, and all the details that led up to the tragic conclusion, was both shocking and revealing. The author’s frank writing style conveys the facts of her relationship, but underneath the narrative you can see how she was being victimized in a gradual downward slope. Many of us think of abuse mostly as a physical issue, but Jo Fonda reveals a bigger, more nuanced picture. This is a book that might be critical for someone in your life.”
Janice Conlon - Amazon Review September 16, 2013
“Couldn’t put this book down, Jo’s style of writing is very easy to read, she invites you into her thoughts and and actions. I highly recommend this to everyone whether you have experienced abuse or not. It opened my eyes, to the fact that sometimes everything is not as it seems !”
Michael - Amazon Review September 17, 2013
“Much like the television shows that tell you about the airplane accident and then guide one through the events that led up to the crash, this story starts with the airplane crash. Then the reader is shown the telltale clues in narrative as the young couple navigates courtship, education and marriage; the same trip that almost all baby-boomers took in the late 70’s and early 80’s.
As the chapters reveal their travels fraught with peril, the reader is bound to hope for some saving intervention even though the sad ending has already been given away. This is a compelling read, nicely paced with moments of brutal honesty that make the reader feel totally engaged with the author’s emotions.”
bbishoppcm - Amazon Review September 28, 2013
“I’ll be honest – I started reading this book BECAUSE of its connection to the plane crash that ripped through the serenity of my small hometown like a knife… I remember that morning on August 21st 2001 vividly; I was a High School student lazily sleeping the morning away when my mom rushed into my bedroom to tell me my father (a volunteer fireman) was called to a plane crash. It wasn’t until much later, we learned it involved a plane crashing into one of the many McMansions in our town that was recently constructed. Rumors, stories, accusations, and errant eyewitness accounts flew around our small historic town like wildfire; the true story never seeing the light of day, and the victim and her daughter quietly resettling in order to rebuild their life in peace. I’d go into the gruesome details of what my father experienced at the scene, but this is neither the time nor the place. This book offers far more than clarity into the events of the morning of August 21st; After reading the opening chapter, this book quickly dives into a suspenseful buildup of events that not only explain the victim’s early life and character-building moments; it outlines a chronological punch-list of her life with the man who will ultimately fly a plane into their dream house with the presumed intent of killing himself, and his entire family. If this book isn’t re-written as a screenplay for a movie, I’d be shocked.”
Chris Malone - Amazon Review October 9, 2013
“I just finished Volume 1 of this real-life story and it was absolutely gripping. I read it straight through in a single sitting and couldn’t look away until I had done so. It chronicles the unlikely but remarkable journey of a gifted young woman through a childhood in show business into a reluctant marriage of convenience that will eventually end in tragedy. I can’t wait to read Volume 2!”
Amazon Customer Verified Purchase - Amazon Review January 24, 2016
“A great read! From the first page, I was hooked. It captivated me and my thoughts even when not reading. Amazing life and story! Can’t wait to keep reading the series.”